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Potential 2022 CO-AGE Issues

CO-AGE is a vehicle for bringing broad-based input on aging issues from across the state to the attention of the General Assembly. Every July, CO-AGE members vote to prioritize issues to bring to Georgia’s elected officials. Voting members will have until July 31st to vote for our 2022 CO-AGE Priority Issues. 

The 2022 Potential CO-AGE issues are:

Click on each issue to watch videos or download detailed summaries.

Funding would allow a Public Relations firm to create a public awareness campaign for LTCO. 

This legislation would allow Assisted Living providers to enroll in Medicaid and provide care to older adults with limited means as 44 other states permit. It would also remove the 25 bed minimum for licensing of Assisted Living communities.

Legislation would increase annual licensing fees for Assisted Living Communities and Personal Care Homes, create an occupied bed charge and prohibit facilities from accepting money in return for a referral to outside providers. Dedicating funds will require additional legislation and a 2/3 majority vote. 

Legislation would require hospitals to advise individuals of their opportunity to identify a family caregiver, record the caregiver’s name and contact information in the health record, and consult with caregiver about discharge timing, the discharge plan, and the medical/nursing tasks they will handle at home.

This issue proposes exemption of all IRA distributions from personal income tax for those over age 65 with retirement income over $65,000.

Legislation to create a legislative study committee to consider ways to encourage innovative models of person-centered care for skilled nursing facilities such as the greenhouse model.

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